Guided Tours Are Experiencing a Remarkable Comeback: Discover Why They’re Popular Again

Guided Tour Group
Once viewed as overly touristy, guided tours are now experiencing a revival driven by Gen Z and millennials.

In recent years, the landscape of travel has undergone a remarkable transformation. What was once seen as the hallmark of the “typical tourist” is now experiencing a surprising renaissance, driven by the evolving preferences of Gen Z and Millennials. Once dismissed in favor of DIY travel and spontaneous exploration, guided tours are now making a notable comeback. This resurgence reflects a significant shift in travel preferences, as today’s young travelers embrace guided tours as an essential component of their adventures, seeking deeper and more authentic travel experiences.

A Shift in Travel Preferences:

A Shift in Travel Preferences

The travel habits of younger generations reveal a profound shift in preferences. Unlike previous decades when the ethos of travel was centered around “never looking like a tourist,” today’s younger travelers are embracing guided tours as a way to enhance their travel experiences. This change is driven by a desire for deeper connections with the places they visit and a growing appreciation for curated, informative experiences.

Recent research from GetYourGuide highlights this trend, revealing that 81% of Millennials and 80% of Gen Z are likely to book a guided tour in 2024. This marks a significant departure from earlier generations, who often preferred to chart their own course. In 2023, a staggering 94% of leisure travelers booked guided tours, with 89% believing that a local guide offers the most effective way to explore a new destination.

The Modern Appeal of Guided Tours:


The resurgence of guided tours is rooted in their ability to offer authentic and immersive travel experiences. Unlike traditional, cookie-cutter tours, today’s guided tours are tailored to meet the sophisticated tastes of modern travelers. They cater to special interests and provide inclusive, often untold stories that enrich the travel experience.

For many young travelers, guided tours offer more than just a sightseeing opportunity; they provide a gateway to a deeper understanding of the destination. Madison Pietrowski, Director of Brand US at GetYourGuide, explains this shift: “For young people, it’s all about having an authentic travel experience—they really want to immerse themselves in a destination. While people may have previously avoided guided tours for fear of looking too touristy, young travelers now embrace them, recognizing that they offer the best way to truly experience a destination.”

The Evolution of Guided Tours:

Photo by Danny De Vylder on Unsplash

The guided tour industry has evolved dramatically to cater to modern sensibilities. Today’s tours are designed to be engaging, interactive, and tailored to specific interests. They offer a far cry from the generic, one-size-fits-all experiences of the past. For instance, Urban Saunters, a London-based tour company co-founded by Shabby Flanders, exemplifies this evolution. “The most exciting part about Gen Z driving this demand for guided tours is the freedom to present narratives in new, fresh ways,” says Flanders. “We’ve created new experiences that engage the senses, making them far more immersive and experiential than traditional walking tours.”

Flanders, who previously led an all-girls punk group before transitioning into the tour industry, emphasizes how these new tours are designed to engage multiple senses, offering a more holistic experience. Whether it’s a food tour exploring hidden culinary treasures or an adventure trek through lesser-known landscapes, these tours are crafted to provide unique and memorable experiences.

The Role of Social Media

The Role of Social Media

Social media has played a crucial role in the resurgence of guided tours. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok have become powerful tools for showcasing unique travel experiences. Travelers are increasingly drawn to tours that not only offer enriching experiences but also provide visually stunning and shareable moments. Influencers and content creators often highlight these tours, amplifying their appeal and encouraging others to seek out similar experiences.

This visibility has transformed guided tours from a traditional, somewhat overlooked option into a sought-after travel experience. By sharing their journeys, travelers create a ripple effect, inspiring their peers to explore guided tours as part of their own adventures.

Why Guided Tours Are Here to Stay

The resurgence of guided tours is not just a passing trend; it reflects a fundamental change in travel preferences. Young travelers are seeking more than just a visit to popular landmarks—they want to connect with the culture, history, and people of their destinations. Guided tours offer a structured yet flexible way to achieve this, providing insights and experiences that go beyond the superficial.

As the travel industry continues to adapt, guided tours are being redefined to meet the needs of a new generation. They are becoming an integral part of travel, offering immersive and personalized experiences that resonate with today’s sophisticated traveler.


The surprising comeback of guided tours highlights a significant shift in travel preferences among Gen Z and Millennials. Driven by a desire for authenticity and meaningful experiences, these younger travelers are embracing guided tours as an essential component of their journeys. With innovative and engaging tours that cater to modern tastes, the guided tour industry is poised to thrive, offering new and exciting ways to explore the world.

"Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller." – Ibn Battuta

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